Here are the books I have read or listened to. Audiobooks have been my preferred medium since 2017.


# Author Title Completed
0 Isaac Asimov Pebble In The Sky 1990s
1 Isaac Asimov The Stars, Like Dust 1990s
2 Isaac Asimov Foundation 1990s (also 2023)
3 Isaac Asimov Foundation and Empire 1990s
4 Isaac Asimov Second Foundation 1990s
5 Isaac Asimov The Gods Themselves 1990s
6 Isaac Asimov The Robots of Dawn 1990s
7 Isaac Asimov Robots and Empire 1990s
8 Isaac Asimov Foundation and Earth 1990s
9 Isaac Asimov Prelude to Foundation 1990s
10 Isaac Asimov Nemesis 1990s
11 Isaac Asimov The Ugly Little Boy 1990s
12 Richard Adams Watership Down 1990s
13 Ray Bradbury The Martian Chronicles 1990s
14 Ray Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 1990s
15 Ray Bradbury Dandelion Wine 1990s
16 Ray Bradbury Something Wicked This Way Comes 1990s
17 Gary Paulsen Hatchet 1990s
18 Gary Paulsen The River 1990s
19 John Christopher When the Tripods Came 1990s
20 John Christopher The White Mountains 1990s
21 John Christopher The City of Gold and Lead 1990s
22 John Christopher The Pool of Fire 1990s
23 Scott O’Dell Island of the Blue Dolphins 1990s
24 Arthur C. Clarke Childhood’s End 1990s
25 Arthur C. Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey 1990s
26 Arthur C. Clarke 2010: Odyssey Two 1990s
27 Arthur C. Clarke 2061: Odyssey Three 1990s
28 Arthur C. Clarke 3001: The Final Odyssey 1990s
29 Arthur C. Clarke Rendezvous with Rama 1990s
30 Arthur C. Clarke Rama II 1990s
31 Arthur C. Clarke The Garden of Rama 1990s
32 Arthur C. Clarke Rama Revealed 1990s
33 H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds 1990s
34 Michael Crichton Jurassic Park 1990s
35 Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities 1990s
36 Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol 1990s
37 Frank Herbert Dune Messiah 1990s
38 Frank Herbert Children of Dune 1990s
39 Frank Herbert God Emperor of Dune 1990s
40 Frank Herbert Heretics of Dune 1990s
41 Frank Herbert Chapterhouse: Dune 1990s
42 F. Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby 1990s
43 Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird 1990s (also 2024)
44 Madeleine L’Engle A Wrinkle in Time 1990s
45 Madeleine L’Engle A Wind in the Door 1990s
46 Madeleine L’Engle A Swiftly Tilting Planet 1990s
47 Madeleine L’Engle Many Waters 1990s
48 C. S. Lewis The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 1990s
49 C. S. Lewis Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia 1990s
50 C. S. Lewis The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 1990s
51 C. S. Lewis The Silver Chair 1990s
52 H.P. Lovecraft The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath 1990s
53 H.P. Lovecraft The Lurking Fear 1990s
54 H.P. Lovecraft The Tomb 1990s
55 Robert C. O’Brien Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH 1990s
56 Stephen King Firestarter 1990s
57 Stephen King Tommyknockers 1990s
58 Stephen King The Shining 1990s
59 Stephen King Four Past Midnight 1990s
60 Mary Shelley Frankenstein 1990s
61 John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath 1990s (also 2020)
62 Frank Herbert Dune 1990s (also 2021)
63 Edith Wharton Ethan Frome 1990s
64 E.B. White Charlotte’s Web 1990s
65 Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter 1990s
66 Aldous Huxley Brave New World 1990s
67 Wilson Rawls Where the Red Fern Grows 1990s
68 Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice 2000s
69 H.P. Lovecraft At the Mountains of Madness 2000s
70 H.P. Lovecraft The Colour Out of Space 2000s
71 H.P. Lovecraft The Doom that Came to Sarnath 2000s
72 Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness 2000s
73 Stephen King Dark Tower: The Gunslinger 2000s
74 Stephen King Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three 2000s
75 Stephen King Dark Tower: The Wastelands 2000s
76 Stephen King Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass 2000s
77 Stephen King Dark Tower: Wolves of the Calla 2000s
78 Stephen King Dark Tower: Song of Susannah 2000s
79 Stephen King Dark Tower: The Dark Tower 2000s
80 Tom Robbins Still Life with Woodpecker 2000s
81 Tom Robbins Even Cowgirls Get the Blues 2000s
82 J.D. Salinger The Catcher in the Rye 2000s
83 J.R.R. Tolkein The Hobbit 2000s
84 J.R.R. Tolkein The Fellowship of the Ring 2000s
85 J.R.R. Tolkein The Two Towers 2000s
86 J.R.R. Tolkein The Return of the King 2000s
87 Vernor Vinge A Fire Upon the Deep 2000s
88 Vernor Vinge A Deepness in the Sky 2000s
89 Kurt Vonnegut Slaughterhouse-Five 2000s
90 Kurt Vonnegut God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater 2000s
91 Kurt Vonnegut The Cat’s Cradle 2000s
92 Orson Scott Card Ender’s Game 2000s
93 Orson Scott Card Ender’s Shadow 2000s
94 Jeffrey Eugenides Middlesex 2003
95 Phillip K. Dick Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 2005
96 Phillip K. Dick Paycheck and Other Stories 2005
97 Phillip K. Dick The Man in the High Castle 2005
98 William Gibson Neuromancer 2005
99 William Golding Lord of the Flies 2005
100 Robert A. Heinlein Stranger in a Strange Land 2005
101 Josheph Heller Catch-22 2005
102 Brian Herbert / Kevin J. Anderson Dune: The Butlerian Jihad 2005
103 Brian Herbert / Kevin J. Anderson Hunters of Dune 2005
104 Brian Herbert / Kevin J. Anderson Sandworms of Dune 2005
105 Herman Hesse Steppenwolf 2005
106 Homer The Iliad 2005
107 Homer The Odyssey 2005
108 James Joyce Ulysses 2005
109 George Orwell 1984 2005
110 George Orwell Animal Farm 2005
111 Chuck Palahniuk Survivor 2005
112 Thomas Pynchon The Crying of Lot 49 2005
113 Paul Beatty The Sellout 2005
114 Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged 2005
115 Neal Stephensen Cryptonomicon 2005
116 Neal Stephensen Snow Crash 2005
117 Kim Stanley Robinson Aurora 11/1/16
118 Terry Pratchett The Color of Magic 12/1/16
119 J.D. Salinger Nine Stories 1/1/17
120 Ernest Hemingway For Whom the Bell Tolls 7/7/17
121 Walter M. Miller, Jr. A Canticle for Leibowitz 1/10/17
122 Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon 1/22/17
123 Herman Hesse Siddhartha 1/24/17
124 Douglas Adams Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 1/1/04
125 Franz Kafka The Trial 1/1/17
126 Kim Stanley Robinson 2312 2/5/17
127 Gabriel Garcia Marquez One Hundred Years of Solitude 4/20/17
128 Milan Kundera The Unbearable Lightness of Being 3/1/17
129 Ernest Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea 4/13/17
130 Octavia Butler Kindred 5/1/17
131 Truman Capote Breakfast at Tiffany’s 5/10/17
132 Stephen King The Wind Through the Keyhole 5/18/17
133 Liu Cixin The Three Body Problem 6/9/17
134 David Foster Wallace Infinite Jest 7/16/17
135 Liu Cixin The Dark Forest 7/27/17
136 Liu Cixin Death’s End 8/7/17
137 Jack Kerouac On the Road 8/12/17
138 Charles Bukowski Women: A Novel 8/20/17
139 Thomas Pynchon Gravity’s Rainbow 8/21/17
140 Frank Herbert The Dragon in the Sea 8/18/17
141 Gertrude Stein Three Lives 8/25/17
142 Vladimir Nabokov Lolita 9/17/17 (also 7/30/22)
143 Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange 10/12/17
144 Ken Kesey One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest 11/17/17
145 Charles Bukowski Ham on Rye 11/30/17 (also 8/1/22)
146 James Joyce A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 12/10/17
147 China Mieville Perdido Street Station 3/2/18
148 Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass 3/10/18
149 Kurt Vonnegut Galapagos 5/6/18
150 David Weber, Timothy Zahn A Call to Duty: Book I of Manticore… 4/10/18
151 Joe Halderman The Forever War 3/26/18
152 Salman Rushdie The Golden House 3/12/18
153 Charles Bukowski Post Office 7/4/18
154 James S A Corey Leviathan Wakes 7/1/18
155 Angela Carter The Magic Toyshop 7/4/18
156 Ray Bradbury The Golden Apples of the Sun (and other stories) 6/15/18
157 Margaret Atwood The Handmaid’s Tale 2/1/18
158 Dennis E Taylor The Singularity Trap 7/16/18
159 John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men 7/17/18
160 Salman Rushdie The Satanic Verses 8/25/18
161 Gene Wolf The Shadow of the Torturer 8/20/18
162 James S A Corey Calaban’s War 9/13/18
163 James S A Corey Abaddon’s Gate 10/25/18
164 Sue Burke Semiosis 2/9/19
165 Elizabeth McCracken Bowlaway 4/14/19
166 Douglas Adams The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul 4/28/19
167 Phillip K. Dick Ubik 5/5/19
168 Hunter S Thompson Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas 7/15/19
169 M John Harrison Light 8/10/19
170 M John Harrison Nova Swing 8/27/19
171 M John Harrison Empty Space: A Haunting 9/18/19
172 Stanislaw Lem Solaris 8/29/19
173 James S A Corey Cibola Burn 10/29/19
174 James S A Corey Nemesis Games 11/10/19
175 Aldous Huxley Island 11/14/19
176 Wolfgang von Goethe Faust: Parts I and II 3/15/20
177 Richard Powers The Overstory 2/1/20
178 Charles Dickens David Copperfield 6/7/20
179 Stephen King Pet Sematary 6/14/20
180 John Steinbeck East of Eden 7/1/20
181 Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray 7/15/20
182 John Steinbeck Cannery Row 7/24/20
183 Stanislaw Lem The Invincible 9/7/20
184 Virginia Woolf To the Lighthouse 9/27/20
185 Fyodor Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment 12/25/20
186 George R R Martin A Game of Thrones 1/9/21
187 George R R Martin A Clash of Kings 1/13/21
188 George R R Martin A Storm of Swords 1/20/21
189 George R R Martin A Feast for Crows 1/22/21
190 George R R Martin A Dance with Dragons 1/28/21
191 James S A Corey Babylon’s Ashes 2/7/21
192 Fyodor Dostoevsky Notes from the Underground 3/5/21
193 Adrian Tchaikovsky Children of Time 4/30/21
194 Max Brooks World War Z 5/17/21
195 B F Skinner Walden Two 5/22/21
196 James S A Corey Persepolis Rising 6/1/21
197 James S A Corey Tiamat’s Wrath 6/12/21
198 Leo Tolstoy War and Peace 7/10/21
199 Lewis Carroll Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 7/12/21
200 Lewis Carroll Through the Looking Glass 7/16/21
201 Fyodor Dostoevsky The Idiot 8/5/21
202 Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises 9/9/21
203 Geoffrey Chaucer The Canterbury Tales 9/4/21
204 Pierce Brown Red Rising 9/16/21
205 Frank Baum The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 10/15/21
206 Herman Melville Moby Dick 12/20/21
207 James S A Corey Leviathan Falls 1/20/22
208 Iain M Banks Surface Detail 5/29/22
209 Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote 8/24/22
210 Charles Bukowski Hollywood 9/20/22
211 Charles Bukowski Hot Water Music 9/25/22
212 Charles Bukowski Factotum 12/18/22
213 John Fante Ask the Dust 12/24/22
214 William S. Burroughs Naked Lunch 1/1/23
215 Voltaire Micromegas, Candide, and Zadig 1/18/23
216 Harlan Ellison The Best that Shouted…and Other Stories 6/1/23
217 Stephen King Salem’s Lot 6/10/23
218 Ted Chiang Exhalation 6/20/23
219 Albert Camus The Stranger 6/27/23
220 Charles Bukowski Pulp 7/1/23
221 Ted Chiang Stories of Your Life and Others 7/14/23
222 Peter Watts Blindsight 7/16/23
223 Albert Camus The Plague 8/9/23
224 Charles Bukowski Tales of Ordinary Madness 8/24/23
225 John Fante Wait Until Spring, Bandini 9/8/23
226 John Fante The Road to Los Angeles 9/10/23
227 John Fante Dreams from Bunker Hill 9/11/23
228 Charles Bukowski South of No North 9/20/23
229 Ernest Hemingway The Short Stories Volume I 10/2/23
230 H.G. Wells The Time Machine 11/2/23
231 Chuck Palahniuk Haunted 12/3/23
232 Charles Bukowski The Last Night of the Earth Poems 1/13/24
233 Richard Adams Tales from Watership Down 2/14/24
234 Knut Hamsun Hunger 3/28/24
235 Celine Journey to the End of the Night 4/9/24
236 Charles Bukowski You Get So Alone at Times… 4/12/24
237 Charles Bukowski Love is a Dog From Hell 4/14/24
238 Poul Anderson Tau Zero 5/10/24
239 Fyodor Dostoevsky Notes from a Dead House 7/29/24
240 Lois Lowry The Giver 8/24/24
241 Mario Puzo The Godfather 9/18/24
242 John Fante The Brotherhood of the Grape 10/9/24
243 N.K. Jemisin The City We Became 11/5/24
244 Fyodor Dostoevsky The Brothers Karamazov 2/9/25
245 Saul Bellow Henderson the Rain King 3/5/25

AI art depicting stacks of books


# Author Title Completed
0 Simon Singh The Code Book 1990s
1 Stephen Hawking A Brief History of Time 1990s
2 Ray Kurzweil The Age of Spiritual Machines 1990s
3 Richard Feynman QED 1990s
4 Richard Feynman Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman 1990s
5 Richard Feynman The Feynman Lectures 1990s
6 Friedrich Nietzsche On the Genealogy of Morals 1990s
7 Narby, Jeremy The Cosmic Serpent 1990s
8 Plato The Republic 1990s
9 Ken Wilber The Spectrum of Consciousness 1990s
10 Ludwig Wittgenstein Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 2007
11 Stephen Wolfram A New Kind of Science 2008
12 Douglas Hofstadter I Am a Strange Loop 2010
13 Brian Greene The Elegant Universe 2010
14 Walter Isaacson Steve Jobs 2011
15 Stephen King On Writing 2015
16 Miles Davis Autobiography 2015
17 Bob Dylan Autobiography 2015
18 Malcolm Gladwell Blink 2015
19 Peter Seibel Coders at Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming 2016
20 Malcolm Gladwell Outliers 2016
21 Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene 2016
22 William Least Heat-Moon Blue Highways 2016
23 Daniel Kahneman Thinking, Fast and Slow 2016
24 Tim Ferriss Tools of Titans 1/20/17
25 John McWhorter Words on the Move 1/22/17
26 John G. Neihardt Black Elk Speaks 2/22/17
27 Graham Farmelo The Strangest Man, Paul Durac 4/15/17
28 Timothy Snyder On Tyranny 4/23/17
29 Cathy O’Neil Weapons of Math Destruction 5/1/17
30 Joseph Campbell The Hero With a Thousand Faces 5/10/17
31 Michael V. Hayden Playing to the Edge 5/14/17
32 Seneca On the Shortness of Life 6/1/17
33 Mason Currey Daily Rituals: How Artists Work 6/5/17
34 Joseph Campbell The Power of Myth 6/10/17
35 Kim Scott Radical Candor 8/7/17
36 Mark Manson The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck 8/20/17
37 John Muir My First Summer in the Sierra 9/4/17
38 Camille Fourneir The Manager’s Path 9/10/17
39 Aaron James Assholes: A Theory 9/20/17
40 Marshall Goldsmith What Got You Here Won’t Get You There 9/22/17
41 Tom DeMarco & Timothy Lister Peopleware 9/30/17
42 Frederic Laloux Reinventing Organizations 10/30/17
43 Jane Mayer Dark Money 11/6/17
44 David Brooks The Road to Character 11/27/17
45 Lajos Egri The Art of Dramatic Writing 12/27/17
46 Lynn Truss Eats, Shoots & Leaves 3/5/18
47 Roger Penrose The Emperor’s New Mind 3/18/18
48 Brad Stone The Everything Store 7/11/18
49 Marty Cagan Inspired 8/20/18
50 Jim Collins Good to Great 8/5/18
51 Daniel Coyle The Culture Code 7/20/18
52 Dalai Lama / Desmond Tutu The Book of Joy 9/17/18
53 Jay Heinrichs Thank You For Arguing 9/23/18
54 C. S. Lewis Surprised by Joy: The Shape of my Early Life 1/18/19
55 John Parrington The Deeper Genome 5/12/19
56 Patrick Lencioni Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team 5/20/19
57 David Deutsch The Beginning of Infinity 5/25/19
58 Jeff Hawkins On Intelligence 5/27/19
59 Irish Bohnet What Works: Gender Equality by Design 6/8/19
60 Judea Pearl The Book of Why 6/19/19
61 James Gleick Chaos: Making a New Science 7/2/19
62 Gene Kim et al The Phoenix Project 7/10/19
63 Daniel Boorstin The Image 7/20/19
64 Peter Thiel Zero to One 7/23/19
65 Peter Tollman Six Simple Rules: How to Manage Complexity without Getting Complicated 7/29/19
66 Michael Pollan How to Change Your Mind 8/26/19
67 Dr. Daniel G Amen Memory Rescue 10/1/19
68 David Byrne How Music Works 10/12/19
69 Arthur Schopenhauer The Wisdom of Life / Counsels and Maxims 11/25/19
70 Kevin Simler, Robin Hanson The Elephant in the Brain 11/28/19
71 Ernest Becker The Denial Of Death 3/15/20
72 Matthew Walker Why We Sleep 3/5/20
73 Annie Duke Thinking in Bets 2/15/20
74 Travis Bradberry Emotional Intelligence 2.0 2/1/20
75 Philip Rucker, Carol Leonnig A Very Stable Genius 1/15/20
76 C G Jung Memories, Dreams, Reflections 1/1/20
77 Alan Watts Out of Your Mind 8/6/20
78 Friedrich Nietzsche Thus Spoke Zarathustra 9/12/20
79 R. Buckminster Fuller I Seem to Be a Verb 9/18/20
80 Eliezer Yudkowsky Inadequate Equilibria 9/23/20
81 David Byrne Bicyle Diaries 10/13/20
82 Henry David Thoreau Walden 5/20/21
83 Brian C Muraresku The Immortality Key 7/15/21
84 Viktor E Frankl Man’s Search for Meaning 8/5/21
85 Steven Pressfield The War of Art 11/20/21
86 Marcus Aurelius Meditations 11/30/21
87 Eva Wong Taoism 3/16/22
88 Yuval Noah Harari Sapiens 4/10/22
89 Scott Kelly Endurance 4/29/22
90 Melanie Joy Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows 4/12/22
91 NASA Space Settlements: A Design Study 11/5/22
92 Charles Bukowski On Writing 11/6/22
93 Matthew Ball The Metaverse 11/19/22
94 Frank Wilczek Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality 1/4/23
95 Will Larson Staff Engineer: Leadership Beyond the Management Track 3/19/23
96 Rick Rubin The Creative Act 4/1/23
97 Mo Gawdat Scary Smart 6/16/23
98 Donald Hoffman The Case Against Reality 6/16/23
99 James Lovelock Novacene 8/30/23
100 Walter Isaacson Benjamin Franklin 10/10/23
101 Walter Isaacson Elon Musk 10/15/23
102 Walter Isaacson Einstein 10/27/23
103 Ananyo Bhattacharya The Man from the Future: The Visionary Life of John Von Neumann 1/7/24
104 Howard Sounes Charles Bukowski: Locked in the Arms of a Crazy Life 1/11/24
105 Susan Cheever E.E. Cummings 1/14/24
106 Kurt Eichenwald A Mind Unraveled 4/26/24
107 Frank McCourt Angela’s Ashes 6/16/24
108 Frank McCourt ‘Tis 6/27/24
109 Frank McCourt Teacher Man 7/05/24
110 David Foster Wallace Everything and More 8/15/24
111 G. Edward Griffin The Creature from Jekyll Island 11/16/24
112 Lyn Alden Broken Money 11/25/24
113 Jason Hickel Less is More 11/27/24
114 Rick Wakeman Grumpy Old Rock Star: And Other Wondrous Stories 12/29/24
115 Yuval Noah Harari Nexus 1/5/25
116 Walter Isaacson Kissinger: A Biography 1/22/25
117 Tony Nader Consciousness Is All There Is 2/5/25
118 Robert Greene The 48 Laws of Power 2/18/25

AI art depicting overgrown bookshelves
