Cold Moonshadow
Here's a poem about addiction
It starts with a statement of intention
And seems just fine at first
But then it repeats repeats and repeats
Oh I get it, no, that's not what's happening here
I'll stop
When I want to, it'll be no problem
Oh you've heard that one before?
(Because it's true) look here
The language is heading that way again and (uh oh)
Repeat repeat and repeat
Rationalization, Act 1 Scene 1:
Selfie Portrait: What was the reason for the long view?
Selfie Landscape: Shortest is best, the gods agree!
Selfie Square: What's the point of anything at all?
And now we're at the part where
Intention is completely lost
And meanderings of all manner arise
Like a flock of sparrows collecting ingots
But while we're here (good and lost)
let me show you the lostness of Rocky Bottom (TM)
Or perhaps you imagined a sea-soaked cave in
the cold moonshadow: a raft adrift with gentle tide,
scraping jagged shallows at its yawning door
(of this earth, there are places and edges you agreed very early
on never to visit but here you are with your ugly
little boat and jagged shallows in the cold moonshadow)
And then a tiny hint of true light.
It is time to moor the boat, my child, it has been drifting
needlessly and the great clock looming in the halls above
has not slowed its pendulum as the tide has ebbed and replaced
the paths you might have taken with cobwebs and browned
And now we're at the part where habits. are. broken.
and actual change can begin.
It's not always a win
But now there's a chance.
If you can recall that scraping sound in the cave,
Make something of it.